Wills and Estates
We advise on; prepare; and act in proceedings dealing with Wills and Estates.
You need to be careful in disputed Wills litigation that you receive speedy and honest advice as this type of litigation can be extremely expensive and erode the Estate. We have been litigating disputed Wills for decades, but more importantly we have been successfully resolving these disputes for just as long.
Michael Vassili is an
Accredited Specialist
(Dispute Resolution)
Drafting Wills
We draft Wills and other associated documents including Guardianship and Powers of Attorney.
As we are experienced in litigation involving Wills and Estates we are careful to avoid problems by properly drafting your Will by carefully considering your circumstances and the applicable law.
We will advise you on possible challenges to your Will and how to best avoid conflict when you are gone.
Disputed Wills
We appear in the Supreme Court of NSW defending and prosecuting Family Provisions claims.
We strive hard to settle matters which can be invariably expensive if fully litigated and have an excellent success rate with such outcomes.
We have achieved excellent outcomes for clients in seeking adequate provision from Estates as well as successfully defending them.
Guardianship and "Living Wills"
We can assist in drafting documents and making appropriate applications which deal with guardianship.
In addition, we prepare Powers of Attorneys.